Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey, sorry I havent posted lately. I promise I'll get you updated on DAVIS CLEVELAND this week.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

@DavisCleveland: It's 10:20pm, I'm studying my script and the songs I sing (yep!) on SIU this week, and I'm walkin' on sunshine!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hey guys, sorry I haven't written in a while. School... I promise I'll do a new entry asap. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Davis and Maci are going to be in Disneyland today! Pics to come later!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Davis Cleveland with Maci Drewry and Rio

Goodevening bloggers and readers! I'm here at my computer somewhere on the planet Earth, listening to music from "Shake It Up", here to tell you about what Davis Cleveland is up to RIGHT NOW!

Well, currently he is on his pet bird's twitter, Rio (@RioCleveland). Rio is a "five month old Sun Conure who is bffs with and his little brother, Jack". He was recently adopted into the Cleveland family, and Davis made a twitter for him. In his first day on Twitter, Davis reached 1,000 followers, and he is currently at 1,315 followers. And get this: if you want Rio to follow you on Twitter, all you have to do is ask and he will follow. He "Tweets" often, and believe me, this bird has "TWAG" so go follow him!

In other news, one of Davis' biggest fans, Maci Drewry, met Davis Cleveland yesterday, and they've been hanging out in LA ever since, including on the "Shake It Up" set. For those of you who have not read any previous posts, Maci Drewry (@MaciDrewry on Twitter), has Cystic Fibrosis and she is a big Davis Cleveland fan. Davis started following her on July 9th of this year and Davis has been helping with CF awareness and even encouraging people to follow Maci and donate to finding a cure for CF. (To learn more about Maci, watch her youtube video: )

Recently, (to the best of my knowledge), Davis invited Maci to come to LA and go to the Shake It Up set and watch a live taping. So, inbetweet practices for the D23 performance on Sunday and learning the latest episode of SIU, Davis has been hanging out with Maci and her family. Maci has given permission to use her pictures on this blog. (This is subject to change should Maci ever wish to change her mind.)

This first picture was uploaded 21 hours ago (yesterday) by Maci via Twitter. "Had so much fun with @DavisCleveland tonight," was Maci's tweet. The photo has had 161 views so far. I must say when I saw this picture I felt a hit of jealousy (meeting Davis is my biggest dream), however I felt very happy for her, and I still do. It is great that Maci is being able to be with one of her favorite TV stars.

These next couple of pictures are of Maci, Davis, and what I can only assume are family to one or both of them.

The next two pictures are very cute pictures of Maci and Davis.

One thing I like to see in these pictures, knowing they were taken today, is seeing how much Davis has grown since he first started "Shake It Up". I don't know about you readers, but I can deffinitely see some aging going on. He's still the same old Davis, just a little older.

Now, before I sign off, I want to go over something I mentioned above. The Shake it Up cast will be performing (I'm assuming Dancing) at the D23 expo this Sunday in LA. The day after it happens, I will be searching the internet desperately for videos of the dance, and you should be able to see that right here.
Also, if Maci posts any more pictures of Davis, they will appear on this blog (unless of course Maci feels uncomfortable with sharing them over a blog. I speak directly to you Maci when I say if you should ever, and I mean EVER feel uncomfortable with these and future pictures on this blog, feel free to tell me to remove them without hesitation. Just tweet me, @wannameetDavisC, and I will personally remove them as soon as I possibly can. (keep in mind I have school, and blogger is blocked there, so if you tell me while I'm in school, it may have to wait until I get home.) ).

Now, on that note, I just have one last thing to say. Please follow @MaciDrewry on Twitter if you have one. She is a very sweet girl. And please watch her video and donate. (Also, if you tell @DavisCleveland that you followed her, he will follow you too, but please don't just follow her just because you want Davis to follow you.) Also follow @RioCleveland and send him a tweet or two.

Thanks so much for reading.

-Carson (@wannameetDavisC on Twitter)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Everyone follow @RioCleveland on twitter, Davis Cleveland's bird.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Davis Cleveland Update 8/14/11

Davis Cleveland's relaxing days of vacation in Texas are coming to an end this morning. He is going back to Los Angeles right now to meet Maci Drewry (@MaciDrewry on Twitter, the girl with Cystic Fibrosis that Davis Cleveland has said if you follow her, he will follow you), to go to lunch at around 2 PM today, and then they will attend a live taping of "Shake It Up" sometime this week.
The above picture is when Davis Cleveland responded to me when I asked him about vacation. If you are going to the D23 Expo next weekend, Davis Cleveland and the rest of the cast of Shake It Up will be attending, and even dancing. If someone posts a video online, I will post it here.

I have also talked to Maci Drewry, who says that she will take pictures whilst with Davis Cleveland. I have not asked yet, but I am hoping to get permission from her to post these pictures on this blog.

That's the update on Davis Cleveland. As Davis would say, "Davis has left the building..."

-Carson (@wannameetDavisC on Twitter; follow me!)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Davis Cleveland on the Teal Carpet

Hey everyone. Sorry it took so long, but here's some pictures and videos of Davis Cleveland at the Teal Carpet premiere of "Phineas and Ferb: Across The Second Dimension"

Photo and video credit goes to the takers. I was not at the premiere, though I wish I was!

-Carson @wannameetDavisC

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Update on Davis

Davis Cleveland is in Texas right now. He is in his hometown of Sugar Land, Texas. If you happen to see him, please get his autograph for me. I cannot make it to see him due to family vacations, but if you get the chance, say hi!

By the way, because of his vacation, Davis has told me via Twitter that he will miss a couple episodes of SHAKE IT UP. He will be missed in those episodes.

Before leaving, Davis attended the Phineas & Ferb: Across the Second Dimension teal carpet premiere. I am out of town, so I do not have internet right now, but when I get it, I will find pictures.

Thanks for reading
-CARSON (@wannameetDavisC)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Want to see Davis Cleveland? He is currently at the Phineas & Ferb: The Movie premiere right now on the teal carpet!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Follow @MaciDrewry and @DavisCleveland will follow you on Twitter, just be sure and tell him. And follow me, @wannameetDavisC